Deborah Clapshaw Terms of Engagement

To discuss terms of engagement which will be favourable to you, call ph: 029 639 8011.

Mediation Fees –  My Philosophy

Mediation is a party oriented process which is tailored to the needs of the parties involved. As part of this process I am very happy to discuss with you an appropriate fees arrangement which will suit your budget and requirements.

Standard Terms of Engagement- Commercial Mediation

To give you an indication of my charges and terms, my standard terms of engagement are set out below.

To counsel and parties:

1.   Fees

i) I am available to act as mediator on the terms outlined in my Mediation Agreement and on the basis that the parties or counsel (where counsel are involved) undertake direct responsibility for my fee.

ii) My daily rate is $8,000 plus GST and my hourly rate is $600 plus GST. I charge a daily rate for a day’s mediation booking, unless an hourly or half daily rate is agreed in advance. The daily rate covers :

  • The preliminary conference, which may be required to assist the parties in an exchange of information in advance of the mediation, identification of issues, agreement on the date and venue for the mediation.
  • My preparation eg. reading key documentation or statements from the parties.
  • Incidental matters, eg.venue arrangements.

iii) Any time required to be spent by me post mediation is charged at my hourly rate unless otherwise agreed.

iv) I will render an invoice within a day or so of the termination of the mediation and I request payment within 14 days.

2.   Disbursements

I am happy to mediate at your premises or at the premises of one of the parties if appropriate. If room hire is required it is charged at cost. If the mediation is out of Auckland, there will be room hire/catering, travel and accommodation costs to be met by the parties.

3.   I hold professional indemnity insurance appropriate to my role as mediator.

4.   I am happy to discuss any aspect of my engagement further with you and to discuss any variation required to my standard arrangements.

5.   Please confirm your acceptance of these terms by written communication, including email.

Mediation Agreement

Please complete this Mediation Agreement Document.

Get in touch to request my Mediation Services.